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How to register?

1. Click on the "Register" link at the top right of the site or go to this link. 2. Then enter your name, password and your email address and click the "Register" button. 3. Then check your email to get some special privileges. 4. You can also register using your Facebook account. For this, click on the "Facebook Access" link at the top right of the site . How do I ask? What is Bissoy Answers, why, how does it work? Bissoy Answers Open Q-north based platform in Bengali. Here you can ask questions and get answers from any of the questions, solutions and new questions, so you must register at Bissoy Answers. How to answer? Click on the question you want to answer. Then the question will be open. Under the question, you will find a button called "Answer Answer" in the green color by clicking on this button, a box will open and enter your answer here. If your answer is written, click the button "Add Answer". How to add photos to the answer? For this, you have to take help of WYSIWYG Editor (it is used for design.). If you look at the answer to where you are going, you will see that there is a small button called image and a box will be opened and the link in the box in the box will be given in the box. If you want to upload the picture, click Upload. Then click on send it to server to resize the image. (Do not extend the width of 600 pixels.) Then click on the OK button. How to change password? For that you need to login and go to this link ( my details t ) page and save your old and new password in the "change password" box. Why not find the button to ask? For each question, 1 point is subtracted from your total point. When the point becomes 0 the question asks if the button is hidden. Now ask questions to answer any questions. For each answer, 3 points will be added to your account and you will be able to ask 3 questions. How do I share Youtube videos in the answer? Youtube link will be given to the video where you want to show it. How to warn if someone replies wrong? If you get something wrong or irrelevant, you can alert the responder by clicking on the "Warn" name below the answer to answer any questions. As a result, a mail will be sent to the respondent and editor and the editor will check it. Adding it to the comments form below why it is warned, or the moderators will have the advantage of taking any action. How to open if the account is interrupted? You'll read again this site's regulation. Then you will be able to accept all the terms and conditions and send a mail with your account link. Why can not you answer your own question? The process of answering itself on its own question was earlier. But now it has been closed. Why my point is reduced? Incomplete, banglish, wrong, question and answer are deleted. Perhaps you deleted any points you had after you deleted it. Already did such a question or answer, after you deleted it, your point is reduced. Any questions, answers, how to delete comments? Use this option to answer questions, answers, delete comments. My question was answered but why did not I emailed it? Surprise the e-mail that is sent from Ansar will go to the Inbox or Spam box. So check these two regularly. If you did not get the question, "If the answer to this question is affordable or if someone comments, please let me know this e-mail (.......................) " Checked the mark for which you did not receive the email. How do I know how many replies I gave this month? If you have a name in the wonderful guru (20) of each month, how many replies to this month can be seen on this wonderful Guru page of this month . Otherwise you will not see it. Q & A Why is it so late to get approved? A new member's questions, answers and comments are waiting for approval. It is approved after verification whether it is spam, unwanted, indecent, unnecessary. Every day there are many questions that take some time to verify. It takes some time to get the question and answer approved. What is the way to change membership? The member name can not be changed after opening the account. What is a wonderful guru? The wonderful guru is the list of 20 members who earn maximum points per month. What does the star sign mean to every question? Clicking on the star mark means that your question is your favorite. If you want to see that question again in the future, please click on the "My Favorite" option above the profile. How do I add a question to my beloved? If you want to add a question or a member to your favorites, click on the star (★) symbol to the right of the question or member's name, then it will be added to your favorite part. Why do not you get answers to my questions? Finding answers to a question on which member depends on: 1. Does anyone know the answer to your question. 2. Does anyone have a mentality to answer your questions. 3. Does anyone have enough time to answer your question? Etc. We look forward to your valuable comments. If you have any comments tell us: Send feedback.
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