Home Education The Aga Khan University Kenya Admission Process

The Aga Khan University Kenya Admission Process


The Aga Khan University Kenya  Admission Process

Admission Process
The process starts with advertisement in the local dailies of the East African countries; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi as well as in the East African and the University website – www.aku.edu each July. Normally, the deadline for submitting application is end of July.

First stage short listing occurs immediately thereafter, during which applications are scrutinised. The second stage short listing of complete applications then takes place at Department level.
Next, qualified applicants are invited to panel interviews, which takes place in August each year. After selection, Programme Directors make reports of their selection to the PGME Directorate for approval by relevant University committees and the Board of Graduate Studies. Normally, the approval process is completed by end of September and successful applicants immediately notified thereafter.
Registration and induction of new residents takes place at the beginning of January each year. The orientation programme consists of overall orientation to the institution, specific PGME orientation, as well as Departmental orientation that are intended to give the new intake a smooth transition into the Programme.

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